Complicated Cataracts, Simplified.
The X1 Ready-Loaded Iris Speculum is Ophthalmology's first iris expansion device that is ready-loaded in the injector to assist surgeons during complicated cataract cases for small pupil management and IFIS complications. Ready-Loaded during the manufacturing process, the X1 offers the ultimate in convenience and consistency.
The X1 also offers these real benefits:
- A flexible tool designed for surgeons. The X1 Ready-Loaded Iris Speculum is designed to be used in the management of small pupil and IFIS. In the hands of a capable surgeon, it can be used as a valuable tool.
- Never Pinches the pupillary margin. The unique speculum design of the device cradles the iris in shallow pockets, placing minimum stress on the iris sphincter.
- Easy to rotate. The X1's performance intra-operativly allows surgeons the ability to easily rotate and reposition the device without having to completely remove the device from the anterior chamber.