VH Ophthalmics


RETeval collects electroretinograms (ERGs) using Sensor strip electrodes, specially designed for this device.

The electroretinogram (ERG) is a diagnostic eye test that records the electrical activity generated by various cells in the retina (mostly photoreceptpors, bipolar and ganglion cells) in response to a light stimulus. Measurements of this activity can be used to assess retinal function and determine whether it is normal or abnormal.


The RETeval :

  • Small and fully portable device
  • Flash ERG and VEP
  • sensor strip electrodes
  • un-dilated
  • easy to use on every patient
  • results in pdf format
  • normative database
  • assessment of retina health status
  • important diagnostic tool for eye diseases









VH Ophthalmics bv
Heilige Geeststraat 94
3000 Leuven

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